Many years ago I left behind a secure, lucrative career that felt untrue myself and jumped into the unknown, heeding the call of a life aligned with my values, passions, and aspirations.

I became a life coach to help others do the same, to facilitate transformation—big or small—that helps them lead more authentic lives.

I also became a life coach because it brings together so many areas of my life: from my twenty-five years of experience at Fortune 500 companies to my current life as a creative; from my nearly lifelong meditation practice to the subjects I write about; from my study of breath work, dreams, and intuition to my interest in diet and exercise; and much more.

And I absolutely love life coaching.

It is such an honor when someone welcomes me to be part of their personal journey. Sometimes there are tears. Sometimes there’s laughter. But it’s always an engaging, productive, illuminating experience.

Photo of San Francisco life coach Matthew Félix

The unknown is just another name for possibility.

More about Matthew

During my career as a business analyst, project manager, and program manager in San Francisco, I spearheaded enterprise-wide change initiatives; re-engineered processes across the globe; facilitated large groups; and developed and delivered online and in-person training.

In addition to a life coach, today I’m the author of three books, as well as a completed, unpublished work of narrative nonfiction. I regularly speak to cultural and literary organizations about subjects ranging from marketing to creativity. I have produced multiple podcasts, and I frequently interview authors at San Francisco Bay Area bookstores.

I speak three languages, have lived in Spain, France, and Turkey, and have called San Francisco home for more than twenty-five years.

More mind/body

In addition to my Human Potential Life Coaching certification, I have an accredited certification in Intuitive Medicine from the Academy of Intuitive Medicine in Sausalito, California.

I have explored dream work with Robert Moss in the United States and France, and I was honored to be chosen as a participant in Esalen’s Live Extended Education Program, a month of breath work study with Ellen Watson. I have spoken repeatedly about intuition, including on The Intuition Chronicles online series, hosted by former Christian Science Monitor anchor and producer Lisa Taylor.

I have a longstanding daily meditation, affirmation, and gratitude practice, in addition to other regular, ever-evolving wellness routines.