The Body & The Pen: A Creative Exploration

September 12 - 14 • Tomales Bay, CA

Writing can be a cerebral experience, yet authors trapped in their heads risk facing writer’s block, while denying themselves the endless trove of riches the body can offer the creative process—given the chance.

How can writers unlock the secrets the body offers our craft?

Whether you’re an experienced writer or just starting your creative journey; whether you already incorporate embodiment in your writing practice, or the concept is new to you; during this two-day retreat, Britta Stromeyer and Matthew Félix take you on an exploration of the multifaceted relationship between the body and the art of writing.

A perfect blend of writing and mind-body work.
— Previous participant

Over the course of two days, you will:

  • Reflect on the relationship between body and pen

  • Experience getting out of your head and into your body

  • Delve into how fears and obstacles to your writing manifest in the body, and explore ways to overcome them

  • Examine the inextricable link between the body and inspiration

  • Translate what the body has to communicate onto the page

  • Meet one-on-one with a facilitator

  • Share your work in the optional evening reading

Embark on a rejuvenating, inspiring journey of embodied experiences and guided written exercises. Expand your creative community, enjoy provided lunches, and wrap up each day with a glass of local wine. Leave with a newfound appreciation for how consciously connecting with the body transforms what you put on the page.

Registration opens soon. To be notified, please click below. Thank you!

Britta and Matthew are empathic, knowledgeable, supportive instructors.
— Previous participant

Some thoughts on the relationship between the body and the pen:

Except for the “no accommodations” option, which does not include an overnight stay, prices include room, workshops, one-on-one facilitator consult, light breakfast and lunch both days, snacks, and beverages. Please note that dinner is not included, allowing an opportunity to explore the area and its many options, from the wonderful market, deli, and tap room down the street to the restaurants of Point Reyes Station and more.

All rooms have Keurig coffee makers, microwaves, and refrigerators. Room type and prices subject to availability. Register now to assure your choice and claim early-bird discount! Click below to enlarge example photos of rooms.


Registration opens soon. To be notified, please click below. Thank you!

Exceeded my expectations.
— Previous participant

Britta Stromeyer is the the author of award-winning children’s books. Her writing appears in Flash Fiction Magazine and Bending Genres Journal. She was a finalist for the Bellingham Review Tobias Wolff Award for Fiction. Her nonfiction articles and essays have appeared in a variety of print and online magazines, including OCWW’s About Write and Marin Independent Journal. Britta is a member of the National Book Critics Circle, PEN, and Writer’s Grotto, and a frequent speaker on Writing Trauma. (full bio)

Matthew Félix is the author of four books, a certified life coach, and former host of the SF Writers Conference podcast. Publishers Weekly called his debut novel “(a) highly crafted gem;” his travel collection topped Amazon’s Africa category; and his humor one was a Foreword INDIES Book of the Year finalist. Matthew helps writers with every aspect of the publishing lifecycle, from editing to marketing, and often speaks about the writing life. A lifelong meditator, his study of the mind-body connection includes an Intuitive Medicine certification, a month of breath work at Esalen, and study of dreaming. (writer bio) (coach bio)